Aylsham enjoys an active and thriving Christian witness in its community, as expressed through our seven fellowships. In gatherings of worship, reflection, devotions and a wide range of practical outreaches, there is an important demonstration of ‘faith in action’.

History. Formerly known as the Fellowship of churches, our history of collaborating as one go back a number of years, both in worshipping and serving together. As early as the 1960s, in the days of St Michael’s Hospital, with its wards and attached Cottage hospital, there was an initiative inaugurated by the late Canon Jack Vyse to share his pastoral charges as the Anglican Chaplain. Members from non-conformist churches were invited to assist and, following a rota, a pastoral team regularly visited.

In 1985, an ecumenical gathering in the Parish Room, now the Heritage Centre, expressed the need to offer more support to the older and vulnerable persons in the community and, where possible, in outlying villages. A further meeting, in the Town Hall, saw the birth of ACT, Aylsham and District Care Trust. Luncheon Clubs, transport and personal care were a practical outcome. Local amenities were accessed to facilitate weekday lunch clubs, including Maingay and Bure Valley House, Methodist and Town Hall. The majority of the services were met by willing volunteers from our local seven fellowships.

In the 1990s a 5- year tenancy was secured in the former badminton and squash club, enabling The Stable project. With its own manager and a team of volunteers from the then fellowship of Churches in Aylsham, initially over 80, The Stable provided a cafeteria, recreational and leisure facilities, hosting regular youth activities, luncheon club and a ‘safe place’. The project was open all week and certain weekday evenings, and was used by a number of north Norfolk groups of all age groups.

Annual Christian Aid door-to-door collections, Good Friday Silent Walks of Witness, Ecumenical Lenten Bible Studies, Lenten lunches, Summer Songs of Praise, Christmas Eve Carols, Prayer Gatherings, Easter Day Praise, Prayer Breakfasts, Lunch for Leaders and ‘Exchange-of-pulpits’ during Week of Prayer of Christian Unity are some of our activities over the years.

On this website you will find links to the websites of all the churches here and notice of events for the coming months, which we hope will be useful both for those who live in Aylsham and for our visitors.


More together, less apart







in and around Aylsham


Please check at each Church’s website for up to date information on events.


The Monday Cafe & Sale – 9am-12noon

Café and ‘Warm Space’  – 9:30am-noon


Knit & Natter Group  2-4pm (2nd & 4th Tues every month)

Café Church Room – 10:30am-4:00 pm (incl lunch at noon)


Toddler Group –  9:30-11:30 am


STEPS Baby and Toddler Café (free)  – 9-11am TERM TIME ONLY

MAKE AND TAKE After School Club (free) – 3:00-4:15pm TERM TIME ONLY

Community Hot-Spot incl Unity Cafe & Hot-Spot Lunches – 9am-1pm


NEW BREW Well-being Cafe

Space4U (coffee morning for parents and carers) – 10am -12noon 3rd Fri each month

Café and ‘Warm Space’  – 10:30am-12:30pm                             


DISCOVER family, faith, food and fun – (2nd Sun in month)


Ecover Refill Stall at Farmers Market –  (1st Saturday of the Month, ex January)

‘Mend with Friends’ Workshop, Friends Meeting House, Peggs Yard –  (1st Saturday of the Month, ex January)


At the heart of our community…